Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29th: Second Workday at El Hogar

Dear Faith Partners,

“Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.” 1 Corinthians 12:14

It was a day unlike any other that I've experienced at El Hogar.
We effectively began the day with a meeting with Claudia. She asked approximately 25 students to visit with our group and to share their names, ages, and grade as well as their young, yet sometimes painful, life stories. We learned that many of the children come from homes where abuse was the most prevalent form of interaction with their family.

After the children returned to class, Claudia asked each of us about our personal special talents. Privately, I became quite nervous, realizing that I have no “special” talents (she optimistically used the plural), and certainly did not want anyone else to know, if they hadn't noticed already, that I am lacking in this area. Claudia in quick order learned that Karen loved to cook; Olden wanted to tutor math, as did Ernest; Cheryl is a dermatologist; Maurice has mastered music; and on and on. She then assigned daily (and in some cases, weekly) tasks based upon these special talents.

Maurice has many talents. He is accomplished at music so he is teaching students songs to play at a concert scheduled for Friday evening. Further, he is fluent in Spanish so he is assisting the teachers with their classes and tutoring students.

Olden had the opportunity to display multiple talents as well. He tutored students in math. He, along with Ernest, repaired computers.

Ernest worked along side Olden with math tutoring and computer repair. He also did manual labor, helping to mix cement.

Cheryl, who speaks Spanish fluently too, tutored a student. She is also diagnosing various skin ailments.

Celeste and Nia used their organizational skills to inventory the donations. They also planned the evening's activity with the children.

Aron painted the stairs leading to the dormitories. He also acts as the ambassador during all of the activities with the children.
Karen began the day mixing cement and helping to construct the boys' lavatory. Claudia recognized her passion for cooking and asked her to help with lunch. Karen was so successful and enjoyed it so much that she help with dinner.
Slocomb shared his gifts by tutoring the students and managing this Cincinnati crew.

Somehow Claudia found a space for me to contribute. I reviewed some personnel policies and added some social media rules. I helped with the boys' lavatory and a sidewalk. Finally, I taught a public speaking course to approximately 20 students.
We all worked independently, yet we all worked together. We each used our unique talents to help with the operation of El Hogar. Everyone felt needed. Everyone felt that his/her work made the day better. 
Deepak Chopra's words seem fitting, “Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.” Great. Small. All are important. Needed.
Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for letting each of us find (or recognize) our gift(s).

-Eric Kearney

For Wednesday, July 30th:  O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son:  Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unites us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

(Here are some more memories from the day.  No promises that you'll get 20 photos tomorrow though!)


  1. Eric, you have an open heart and a willing spirit (plus many other talents!). I'm sure you are a great blessing to the children and to your team. Thank you for this awesome post and the many pictures.

  2. Eric your thoughts are mine. What could I possibly contribute? Thank for painting a lovely picture of God at work.
