Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to the Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati 2013 Faith Partner blog!

This blog has been the Summer Mission Teams' method of sharing our mission experiences with our faith partners and the greater Cathedral community.  Thank you for visiting and sharing in our experiences!  The blog reads in ascending chronological order, so if you'd like to "start from the beginning" you should begin with the oldest posts and "work your way up."

I hope you find joy in sharing our experiences of God through serving His people.  Each summer missioner had the opportunity to write, and at least one summer missioner wrote during the evening of each day on each trip.  This blog is for you.  Enjoy!

Monday, July 1, 2013

We're Back!

I just wanted to let everyone know that we made it back safely last night and we got home some time after midnight.  Thank you for following the Cathedral Summer Missions and supporting us along the way!  See y'all soon!